Announcements, Education

Conexiones: A Career Mentorship Program

By: HFSV September 27, 2021

The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley (HFSV) initiated the Conexiones (Connections) Program in 2020 as a way for our Latinos in Technology Scholarship recipients to partner with Latinx professionals in Silicon Valley. The goal is to provide our scholars with conexiones that will strengthen their professional development skills as they start their careers. Through Conexiones, our scholars are matched with a mentor that guides them through a five-month program emphasizing leadership and professional development skills.

How it works

We match our scholars with Latinx professionals whose career or education aligns with the scholar’s goals and area of study. They meet once a month for one hour to provide guidance, advice on navigating professional spaces as Latinos in STEM, and insights on networking. A mentor may also help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources in hi-tech careers. Each session addresses professional skills such as resume building, interview questions, improving your professional presence on social media platforms, and an introduction to a professional in the scholar’s field.

Education Program Manager, Melissa Canela shared: “No match between mentor and mentee is the same.” The HFSV recognizes that every mentee is on a different path and our mentors go above and beyond in extending their personal network for informational interviews, advice on how to negotiate pay, or tips and tricks on how to get promoted.