Announcements, Discussion

Served Nearly 1,300 Families in 2020

By: HFSV September 27, 2021

Dear HFSV Friend,

The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley is so proud of the families we served this year! Not only did our Latino families complete STEM and education programs, but they also did it during a global pandemic. We are so proud of the 1,296 Latino families that completed a class provided by the Hispanic Foundation College Success Center (HFCSC) in spite of all the challenges this year brought us. In just weeks after the shelter in place order started back in March, we accomplished a total “pivot” and moved most of our student and parent education programs to webinar platforms. Our families stepped up to the plate!

Some of our accomplishments this year include:• 502 parents graduated from 18 virtual Parent Engagement Academies.• 109 middle schoolers completed 8 virtual sessions of Girls Who Code.• We collaborated with 12 nonprofit partners, 23 school districts, and 40 different schools
If you have not seen our latest video, The road map to and through college please be sure to click on the hyperlink. The interviews we conducted during our Latinx Scholar Chats were inspirational and served as a reminder that there are many Latinx students in the hi-tech employment pipeline and there are many more coming! To view our 2020 Impact Report click here.

We could not have done any of this without the support of our staff, donors, and board members. It is not too late! There is still time to help us this year. Please help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 for our year-end campaign. The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley depends on donations from individuals like you. With your involvement, we are addressing the needs of the Latino community, expanding our programs, and increasing your charitable impact. Click here to donate.

Thank you for your support this year!
Stay safe and healthy.
Happy Holidays!

Ron Gonzales
President & CEO
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley