After three years, we had our first in-person parent engagement program graduation!
Seventy-seven parents from Breakthrough Silicon Valley (BTSV), August Boeger Middle School, and Ida Jew Academy schools graduated from our Parent Institute of Quality Education (PIQE) program this month.
In collaboration with the Eastside Education Initiative (EEI), our Mount Pleasant Elementary School District families gained new skills, tools, and resources to help guide their students through middle school and prepare for high school.
The program brought us a safe space for us to be vulnerable and learn how to be better parents.”
“El programa nos brindó un espacio seguro para que seamos vulnerables y aprendamos a ser mejores padres
— Parent Participant
These parents have logged on and been engaged weekly for over a month to learn strategies to support their children’s educational journey, obtain additional resources and tools to inform themselves about the American education system, and better support their children’s goals and achievements.

Participants leave fantastic feedback about our Parent Engagement Programs, expressing they feel empowered and knowledgeable to have academic conversations with teachers, administrators, and, most importantly, their children.

Parents will have additional Spring and Summer family engagement opportunities to continue their learning in Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, College and Career Exploration, and STEM.
Learn more about our Parent Education Programs here.