Announcements, Spotlight

Four new Board Members join HFSV

By: HFSV September 28, 2021

In the last few months, we have welcomed four new Board Members to the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley Board of Directors: Michael Alvarez, Katia McClain, Kristina Nilsson, and Mike Wallace.

Michael is Director of Corporate Partnerships at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He brings over twenty years of experience building relationships between industry, government, and academia in the Bay Area. Katia is a Managing Principal at Steinberg Hart. Katia, originally from Mexico City, is a recognized thought leader in the Architectural and Engineering field in the Bay Area and very active in the community. Kristina is a Managing Director at J.P. Morgan, a company she joined over 16 years ago. She is active as a Sustainability Ambassador and a women’s leader. Last but not least, Mike Wallace is Assistant Vice President of Development and Constituent Relations at Santa Clara University and brings over 20 years of fundraising experience.

We are very grateful to have this amazing group of professionals as our leaders. Learn more about their backgrounds here.