A. Alvarez

Second Vice Chair

Strategic Advisor, Health Sciences

Michael has been building relationships between industry, government, and academia for more
than twenty-five years. Early in his career, he was a corporate management consultant with
Accenture in NYC. He later founded and directed centers for industry relations, entrepreneurial
innovation, and workforce development at premier medical institutions including UCSF,
Stanford, and MD Anderson.  He is widely sought for input and expert opinion on the business
of biotechnology, STEM education, and health professions training. He has addressed these
topics in key venues such as Nature, Forbes, US News, and NPR.  He continues to promote and
advance the development of healthcare technologies as a strategic advisor for companies across
the globe.

He is a first-generation Cuban American who supports the Latino community abroad
as a member of the board for the Hospital de La Familia Foundation, improving health and
wellness in the Northern Triangle through its hospital and eye clinic operations and locally as a
member of the HFSV board, where he also chairs the Nominations and Governance committee.