
Leadership Development and Latinos in Technology Programs Manager

(408) 380-4086

At the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley Karla manages and leads all aspects of the Latinos in Technology Scholarship Initiative; is also responsible for overseeing HFSV Leadership Development and Alumni Engagement programs by cultivating and building strong relationships with the alumni of HFSV programs through events and mixers. 

Karla brings experience with program coordination and research on topics such as education reform, immigrant communities, intersectional feminism, voter suppression, and how to support first-gen, low-income students navigating higher education. Karla graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a major in Sociology and a minor in Legal Studies. Prior to her role at the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley, Karla worked at the Division of Equity and Social Justice with the County of Santa Clara. Karla is a first-generation Latina from the East Side of San Jose and is the oldest and first in her family to graduate from college.

Karla’s commitment to her community is rooted in her experience of seeing the way her community is disproportionately affected by systematic inequalities and pushed away from receiving access to quality education, healthcare, food, housing, and social and economic resources. Karla is committed to serving, advocating, and amplifying the voices of her community.