Julia Quiroz


Santa Clara University Fellow

Originally from Los Angeles, Julia Quiroz is a current senior at Santa Clara University majoring in Finance and minoring in Religious Studies.

Throughout middle school and high school, Julia was active in working and volunteering with the Hispanic community. These enriching experiences have taught Julia the importance of empathy and familia, cultural ties within the Hispanic community.

Throughout her university career, Julia has had two great internship experiences. One experience was as a PR Intern for Silicon Valley Latino, where she helped design and create social media campaigns promoting Latino professionals’ success stories in Silicon Valley. Her most recent experience was this past summer, working as a Data Analytics Intern at H/L Agency in Oakland. During her internship at H/L, she developed valuable skills such as developing custom Tableau dashboards, pulling actionable insights using media & consumer analytics, and presenting her findings to broader leadership teams within the agency.

Julia is eager and excited to further develop and apply her skills through the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley to serve the surrounding community meaningfully.

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