
Message from President & CEO

By: HFSV September 27, 2021

At the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley, we continue to navigate through the global pandemic. Our education programs are gearing up to serve many Latinx families and their students this year to try to compensate for some of the educational loss due to school sites being closed. In January alone, we planned:

  • 3 Girls Who Code clubs.
  • 2 Family Engagement Institute programs set to begin soon.
  • The second digital workshop in partnership with Google’s Hola – South Bay Employee Resource Group where 35 Latinx parents learned how to better use Gmail to communicate effectively and safely.

Be sure to stay close to your emails and our social media.

I’m excited to share that the Hispanic Foundation was chosen by the San Jose Sharks as one of 8 organizations to be part of this year’s Goals for Kids program. Every time the San Jose Sharks score a goal, $1,000 goes into a fund that will be distributed at the end of the season. Let’s go San Jose Sharks!

Lastly, there is light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. We have all been challenged with navigating this new way of life. The COVID-19 Vaccines are promising and give us a sense of hope. I’d like to encourage everyone to continue practicing social distancing, wearing masks and get the vaccine when you are eligible! I, for one, will be first in line when it comes time for me to receive the vaccine.

Stay healthy and safe,

Ron Gonzales
President & CEO
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley