Dear Friend,
When I was a young boy growing up, I loved watching old western movies. And in every western, the U.S. Cavalry would come to the rescue. For far too long, many in our Latino community have been waiting for the cavalry to come to our rescue.
What we now have to realize is that we are our own cavalry. Yes, we have many friends and supporters in the non-Hispanic community, and we have to be thankful for that. However, it is time for each of us to take action and reinforce our own cavalry! By each of us taking action.
By each of us volunteering on nonprofit boards.
By each of us stepping up as leaders, and
By each of us contributing to our favorite nonprofit organizations, preferably Latino lead and managed.
The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley Latino Board Leadership Academy (LBLA) is a great example of how we have many in our community ready to lead. Last week, 35 Senior Fellows graduated from LBLA Class XV. This was the first program we successfully pivoted to a virtual platform since the start of the shelter in place. In fact, currently there are 30 Latinx professionals in LBLA Class XVI who are expected to graduate in early July.
As we enter into the 10th week of the shelter in place order we are reminded of the strength and resilience of our Latinx community in Silicon Valley. Our STEM programs are happening virtually right now. We are doing what we can to support our Latinos in Technology Scholars.
We need your help. Please donate.
Many of you work for companies that have employee resource groups. If you are not a member, join. The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley calls on you to be our internal champion in your workplace. We cannot do it alone.
The condition and quality of life of our Latino community can’t exist much longer if we continually wait for someone else’s cavalry to come to our rescue.
Our community needs you to join our own cavalry!
Thank you.
Ron Gonzales
President & CEO
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley