Education, Events

Building Bridges: Collaborative Efforts in Latino STEM Education

By: Jason Leon March 1, 2024

Our Latinos in Technology Scholarship boosts representation and empowers the next generation of Latinos in STEM.

To ensure all Silicon Valley Latino students thrive in STEM, we have teamed up with San Francisco State University, UC Santa Cruz, and San Jose State University this month to co-host reception nights to share our scholarship program impact, application requirements, eligibility, and more with prospective applicants.  

Some highlights of the events include: 

  • Over 30 STEM students were in attendance for each event
  • Over 15 LITSI scholars attended and were awarded certificates of recognition
  • We are honored to have SJSU President Cynthia Teniente-Matson, SFSU President Lynn Mahoney, SFSU Dean of Science & Engineering Carmen Domingo, and CSU Trustee Dr. Darlene Yee-Melichar in attendance. 

We are grateful for the college’s partnership and support. It’s all about opening doors and supporting Latinos to thrive in STEM.