
For the love of your family, friends, and coworkers get vaccinated!

By: HFSV September 27, 2021

Dear Friend,

I understand there is some hesitation, especially from the Latino community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, but for the love of your family, friends, and co-workers, please get vaccinated. To lead by example I am happy to report that I have received the first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Our community has been truly devastated by this pandemic and that will continue to be the case if we don’t take the individual responsibility to end this pandemic in 2021! The forecast for our community emerging from this pandemic is on a positive track with new Covid cases and deaths dropping, more vaccines becoming available and more people completing the vaccine regime.

Find out if it’s your turn here.​ For Santa Clara County residents click here.​ For San Mateo County residents click here.

I am hopeful that this positive trend will continue for the health of our community. We’ll continue to monitor the situation with optimism that we might be able to convene in some way for our 32nd Annual Hispanic Foundation Ball on October 16th. As we return to the “new normal”, I challenge all of us to not just reach out for the normal, instead, let’s all reach out for the exceptional!

That’s all for now.

Until the next time, get vaccinated and stay healthy.

Ron Gonzales
President & CEO
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley